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The module contains a class to synthesize the results from a tester.


A class to synthesize the results from a tester.

Source code in src/gapper/core/
class ResultSynthesizer:
    """A class to synthesize the results from a tester."""

    def __init__(
        results: List[TestResult] | None = None,
        metadata: GradescopeSubmissionMetadata | None = None,
        total_score: float | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Init the result synthesizer.

        :param results: The results of the tester.
        :param metadata: The metadata of the submission.
        :param total_score: The total score of the assignment.
        self._results: List[TestResult] = results or []
        self._metadata = metadata
        self._total_score = total_score
        self._logger = logging.getLogger("ResultSynthesizer")
            f"ResultSynthesizer created with results with "
            f"total score {total_score}, "
            f"{len(self._results)} tests, "
            f"and metadata {metadata}"

    def results(self) -> List[TestResult]:
        """The results of the tester."""
        return self._results

    def metadata(self):
        """The metadata of the submission."""
        return self._metadata

    def total_score(self) -> float:
        """The total score of the assignment."""
        if self._metadata is None and self._total_score is None:
            raise ValueError("metadata and total_score are not set")

        if self._metadata is not None:
            return self._metadata.assignment.total_points
            return self._total_score

    def synthesize_score_for(*, results: List[TestResult], total_score: float) -> float:
        """Synthesize the score from the results.

        :param results: The results to synthesize the score from.
        :param total_score: The total score of the assignment.
        results_with_score = []
        results_with_weight = []

        max_score_sum = 0.0
        weight_sum = 0

        for res in results:
            if res.max_score is not None and res.weight is not None:
                raise InternalError(
                    "The max_score and weight of a test (result) cannot both be set. "
                    f"But case `{res.rich_test_name}` has both being set. "
                    f"max_score: {res.max_score}, weight: {res.weight}."

            if res.max_score is not None:
                max_score_sum += res.max_score
            elif res.weight is not None:
                weight_sum += res.weight
                raise InternalError(
                    f"The max_score and weight of a test (result) cannot both be None. "
                    f"But {res.rich_test_name} has both being None."

        if max_score_sum > total_score:
            raise InternalError(
                f"The sum of the scores ({max_score_sum}) of all tests must be less than or equal to the "
                f"total points for the assignment ({total_score}). This does not apply to the gap_extra_points."

        remaining_score = total_score - max_score_sum

        for res in results_with_weight:
            assert res.weight is not None
            res.max_score = res.weight * remaining_score / weight_sum
            res.weight = None

        for res in results:
            if res.score is not None:
                if res.score < 0:
                    raise InternalError(
                        f"Test {res.rich_test_name} has a negative score ({res.score})."

                if res.is_passed and res.extra_points is not None:
                    res.score += res.extra_points
                assert (
                    res.max_score is not None
                ), f"TestResult has to have max_score set, but {res.rich_test_name} does not."

                # interpret score with pass status
                if res.pass_status == "passed":
                    res.score = res.max_score + (
                        0 if res.extra_points is None else res.extra_points
                    res.score = 0

        return sum((res.score for res in results), 0.0)

    def synthesize_score(self) -> float:
        """Synthesize the score from the results."""
        return type(self).synthesize_score_for(
            results=self._results, total_score=self.total_score

    def to_gradescope_json(
        self, save_path: Path | None = None, **kwargs
    ) -> GradescopeJson:
        """Convert the results to Gradescope JSON.

        :param save_path: The path to save the Gradescope JSON to.
        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the GradescopeJson constructor.
        self._logger.debug("Converting results to Gradescope JSON")
        score = self.synthesize_score()
        self._logger.debug(f"Score obtained: {score} | Total score: {self.total_score}")

        return GradescopeJson.from_test_results(
            self._results, score, save_path, **kwargs

metadata property


The metadata of the submission.

results property

results: List[TestResult]

The results of the tester.

total_score property

total_score: float

The total score of the assignment.


__init__(*, results: List[TestResult] | None = None, metadata: GradescopeSubmissionMetadata | None = None, total_score: float | None = None) -> None

Init the result synthesizer.


Name Type Description Default
results List[TestResult] | None

The results of the tester.

metadata GradescopeSubmissionMetadata | None

The metadata of the submission.

total_score float | None

The total score of the assignment.

Source code in src/gapper/core/
def __init__(
    results: List[TestResult] | None = None,
    metadata: GradescopeSubmissionMetadata | None = None,
    total_score: float | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Init the result synthesizer.

    :param results: The results of the tester.
    :param metadata: The metadata of the submission.
    :param total_score: The total score of the assignment.
    self._results: List[TestResult] = results or []
    self._metadata = metadata
    self._total_score = total_score
    self._logger = logging.getLogger("ResultSynthesizer")
        f"ResultSynthesizer created with results with "
        f"total score {total_score}, "
        f"{len(self._results)} tests, "
        f"and metadata {metadata}"


synthesize_score() -> float

Synthesize the score from the results.

Source code in src/gapper/core/
def synthesize_score(self) -> float:
    """Synthesize the score from the results."""
    return type(self).synthesize_score_for(
        results=self._results, total_score=self.total_score

synthesize_score_for staticmethod

synthesize_score_for(*, results: List[TestResult], total_score: float) -> float

Synthesize the score from the results.


Name Type Description Default
results List[TestResult]

The results to synthesize the score from.

total_score float

The total score of the assignment.

Source code in src/gapper/core/
def synthesize_score_for(*, results: List[TestResult], total_score: float) -> float:
    """Synthesize the score from the results.

    :param results: The results to synthesize the score from.
    :param total_score: The total score of the assignment.
    results_with_score = []
    results_with_weight = []

    max_score_sum = 0.0
    weight_sum = 0

    for res in results:
        if res.max_score is not None and res.weight is not None:
            raise InternalError(
                "The max_score and weight of a test (result) cannot both be set. "
                f"But case `{res.rich_test_name}` has both being set. "
                f"max_score: {res.max_score}, weight: {res.weight}."

        if res.max_score is not None:
            max_score_sum += res.max_score
        elif res.weight is not None:
            weight_sum += res.weight
            raise InternalError(
                f"The max_score and weight of a test (result) cannot both be None. "
                f"But {res.rich_test_name} has both being None."

    if max_score_sum > total_score:
        raise InternalError(
            f"The sum of the scores ({max_score_sum}) of all tests must be less than or equal to the "
            f"total points for the assignment ({total_score}). This does not apply to the gap_extra_points."

    remaining_score = total_score - max_score_sum

    for res in results_with_weight:
        assert res.weight is not None
        res.max_score = res.weight * remaining_score / weight_sum
        res.weight = None

    for res in results:
        if res.score is not None:
            if res.score < 0:
                raise InternalError(
                    f"Test {res.rich_test_name} has a negative score ({res.score})."

            if res.is_passed and res.extra_points is not None:
                res.score += res.extra_points
            assert (
                res.max_score is not None
            ), f"TestResult has to have max_score set, but {res.rich_test_name} does not."

            # interpret score with pass status
            if res.pass_status == "passed":
                res.score = res.max_score + (
                    0 if res.extra_points is None else res.extra_points
                res.score = 0

    return sum((res.score for res in results), 0.0)


to_gradescope_json(save_path: Path | None = None, **kwargs) -> GradescopeJson

Convert the results to Gradescope JSON.


Name Type Description Default
save_path Path | None

The path to save the Gradescope JSON to.


The keyword arguments to pass to the GradescopeJson constructor.

Source code in src/gapper/core/
def to_gradescope_json(
    self, save_path: Path | None = None, **kwargs
) -> GradescopeJson:
    """Convert the results to Gradescope JSON.

    :param save_path: The path to save the Gradescope JSON to.
    :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the GradescopeJson constructor.
    self._logger.debug("Converting results to Gradescope JSON")
    score = self.synthesize_score()
    self._logger.debug(f"Score obtained: {score} | Total score: {self.total_score}")

    return GradescopeJson.from_test_results(
        self._results, score, save_path, **kwargs